
The Adoption Services of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans (CCANO), is a non-profit adoption agency licensed by the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services. CCANO has provided adoption services since the early 1900s and continues in its commitment to serving families created through adoption as well as other maternity and adoption-related services.

Request for Background Information:

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans is allowed to provide the available non-identifying background information to birth parents, adoptive parents, individuals that were adopted, and/or siblings of the adopted person.

CCANO can provide the available background information for adoptions provided by the Archdiocese of New Orleans (St. Vincent’s) and Catholic Charities in the Dioceses of Lafayette, Alexandria, and Shreveport.

To request additional information, including the available background information, please email Danna Cousins, LCSW-BACS at dcousins@ccano.org.